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Accessibility: TV ad collection

Accessibility: TV ad collection

Posted on: November 20, 2023

To mark World TV Day 2023, where the theme is accessible advertising, we’ve curated a special ad gallery that looks at the theme from various perspectives – from featuring individuals living with disabilities such as visual impairments and hearing loss to ads utilising accessible methods such as audio descriptions and subtitles.

Discover ads that redefine inclusivity, bring attention to overlooked issues, and champion progressive ideas—immersing you in a world where TV advertising transcends societal barriers to embrace everyone. Our carefully curated gallery is a testament to the transformative power of TV advertising, serving as a driving force for change that resonates with diverse audiences.

  • Apple: The Greatest
  • Aldi: Like Brands - Fish Fingers
  • Amazon Alexa: Morning Ritual (Audio Described)
  • Beco: #StealOurStaff
  • Freedom
  • British Gas: Peak Performance
  • Cadbury Fingers: Sign with Fingers Big and Small
  • Channel 4: Complaints welcome
  • Expedia: Sonia & Bill
  • giffgaff: giffgaff gives back
  • Mastercard: Look on the Light Side
  • Pantene: Feel the Silk
  • Paralympic Games: WeThe15
  • Tesco: This Christmas, Nothing’s Stopping Us (Audio Described)

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